Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014 European Commission (JRC);
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
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The manager and the base for all :term:`backends` fetching cells from actual workbooks and sheets.

Prefer accessing the public members from the parent module.

.. currentmodule:: pandalone.xleash

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
from collections import namedtuple

from future.utils import iteritems
from future.utils import with_metaclass

import itertools as itt
import numpy as np

from .. import Coords, _capture, io_backends
from ... import utils

class ABCBackend(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
    """A plugin for a :term:`backend` must implement and add instances into :data:`io_backends`."""

    def bid(self, wb_url):
        Express the willingness to handle a workbook when deciding backends.

        :param wb_url:
                a full-url of a workbook, local('file://) or remote('http://')
                - an integer signifying willingness; bigger integers take precedence.
                - `None` signifies invalidness.

    def open_sheet(self, wb_url, sheet_id):
        Open a :class:`ABCSheet` subclass, if backend has won the bid.

        :param wb_url:
                a full-url of a workbook, local('file://) or remote('http://')

    def list_sheetnames(self, wb_url):
        """Returns a list of sheet-names, if bids "decided" this backend."""

class SimpleSheetsFactory(object):
    Asks :term:`backends` to bid for creating :class:`ABCSheet` instances - client should handle resources.

    Backends are taken from :data:`io_backends` or specified during construction.

    def __init__(self, backends=None):
        :param backends:
                The list of :class:`backends` to consider when opening sheets.
                If it evaluates to false, :data:`io_backends` assumed.
        :typ backends:
                list or None
        self.backends = backends or io_backends

    def fetch_sheet(self, wb_url, sheet_id, base_sheet=None):
        :param ABCSheet base_sheet:
            The sheet used when unspecified `wb_url`.
        if wb_url is None and base_sheet:
            if sheet_id is None:
                sheet = base_sheet
            url = utils.path2url(wb_url)
            sheet = self._open_sheet(url, sheet_id)

        assert sheet, (wb_url, sheet_id)
        return sheet

    def decide_backend(self, wb_url):
        """Asks all :attr:`backends` to :term:`bid` for handling a :term:`xl-ref`. """
        wb_url = utils.path2url(wb_url)
        bids = [(be,
                for be in self.backends]
        bids = [(be, score) for be, score in bids if score is not None]
        if not bids:
            raise ValueError("No suitable xleash-backend found for(%r)!"
                             "\n  Have you installed `xlrd` extra with this command?"
                             "\n    pip install pandalone[xlrd]" % wb_url)
        winner = sorted(bids, key=lambda x: x[1])[-1][0]
        assert isinstance(winner, ABCBackend),  (
            "Invalid backend(%r) class!" % winner)

        return winner

    def list_sheetnames(self, wb_id):
        url = utils.path2url(wb_id)
        be = self.decide_backend(url)
        return be.list_sheetnames(url)

    def _open_sheet(self, url, sheet_id):  # =None):
        be = self.decide_backend(url)
        sheet = be.open_sheet(url, sheet_id)
        if not sheet:
            raise ValueError("Backend(%s) found no sheet for(%r)!" % (be, url))
        return sheet

[docs]class SheetsFactory(SimpleSheetsFactory): """ A caching-store of :class:`ABCSheet` instances, serving them based on (workbook, sheet) IDs, optionally creating them from backends. :ivar dict _cached_sheets: A cache of all _Spreadsheets accessed so far, keyed by multiple keys generated by :meth:`_derive_sheet_keys`. - To avoid opening non-trivial workbooks, use the :meth:`add_sheet()` to pre-populate this cache with them. - It is a resource-manager for contained sheets, so it can be used wth a `with` statement. """
[docs] def __init__(self, backends=None): """ :param backends: The list of :class:`backends` to consider when opening sheets. If it evaluates to false, :data:`io_backends` assumed. :typ backends: list or None """ super(SheetsFactory, self).__init__(backends) self._cached_sheets = {}
def _cache_get(self, key): wb, sh = key if wb in self._cached_sheets: shs = self._cached_sheets[wb] return shs.get(sh, None) def _cache_put(self, key, sheet): wb, sh = key if wb in self._cached_sheets: sh_dict = self._cached_sheets[wb] else: sh_dict = self._cached_sheets[wb] = {} sh_dict[sh] = sheet def _build_sheet_key(self, wb, sh): assert wb is not None, (wb, sh) return (wb, sh)
[docs] def _derive_sheet_keys(self, sheet, wb_ids=None, sh_ids=None): """ Retuns the product of user-specified and sheet-internal keys. :param wb_ids: a single or a sequence of extra workbook-ids (ie: file, url) :param sh_ids: a single or sequence of extra sheet-ids (ie: name, index, None) """ wb_id, sh_ids2 = sheet.get_sheet_ids() assert wb_id is not None, (wb_id, sh_ids2) wb_ids = [wb_id] + utils.as_list(wb_ids) sh_ids = sh_ids2 + utils.as_list(sh_ids) key_pairs = itt.product(wb_ids, sh_ids) keys = list(set(self._build_sheet_key(*p) for p in key_pairs if p[0])) assert keys, (keys, sheet, wb_ids, sh_ids) return keys
def _close_sheet(self, key): sheet = self._cache_get(key) if sheet: sheet._close() for sh_dict in self._cached_sheets.values(): for sh_id, sh in list(iteritems(sh_dict)): if sh is sheet: del sh_dict[sh_id]
[docs] def close(self): """Closes all contained sheets and empties cache.""" for sh_dict in self._cached_sheets.values(): for sh in sh_dict.values(): sh._close_all() self._cached_sheets = {}
[docs] def add_sheet(self, sheet, wb_ids=None, sh_ids=None): """ Updates cache. :param wb_ids: a single or sequence of extra workbook-ids (ie: file, url) :param sh_ids: a single or sequence of extra sheet-ids (ie: name, index, None) """ assert sheet, (sheet, wb_ids, sh_ids) keys = self._derive_sheet_keys(sheet, wb_ids, sh_ids) for k in keys: old_sheet = self._cache_get(k) if old_sheet and old_sheet is not sheet: self._close_sheet(k) self._cache_put(k, sheet)
[docs] def fetch_sheet(self, wb_id, sheet_id, base_sheet=None): """ :param ABCSheet base_sheet: The sheet used when unspecified `wb_id`. """ if wb_id is None and base_sheet: if sheet_id is None: sheet = base_sheet else: wb_id, _c_sh_ids = base_sheet.get_sheet_ids() key = self._build_sheet_key(wb_id, sheet_id) sheet = self._cache_get(key) if not sheet: sheet = base_sheet.open_sibling_sheet(sheet_id) self.add_sheet(sheet, wb_id, sheet_id) else: url = utils.path2url(wb_id) if wb_id is None: sheet = self._open_sheet(url, sheet_id) else: key = self._build_sheet_key(wb_id, sheet_id) sheet = self._cache_get(key) if not sheet: sheet = self._open_sheet(url, sheet_id) self.add_sheet(sheet, wb_id, sheet_id) assert sheet, (wb_id, sheet_id) return sheet
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, typ, value, traceback): self.close()
[docs]def margin_coords_from_states_matrix(states_matrix): """ Returns top-left/bottom-down margins of full cells from a :term:`state` matrix. May be used by :meth:`ABCSheet.get_margin_coords()` if a backend does not report the sheet-margins internally. :param np.ndarray states_matrix: A 2D-array with `False` wherever cell are blank or empty. Use :meth:`ABCSheet.get_states_matrix()` to derrive it. :return: the 2 coords of the top-left & bottom-right full cells :rtype: (Coords, Coords) Examples:: >>> states_matrix = np.asarray([ ... [0, 0, 0], ... [0, 1, 0], ... [0, 1, 1], ... [0, 0, 1], ... ]) >>> margins = margin_coords_from_states_matrix(states_matrix) >>> margins (Coords(row=1, col=1), Coords(row=3, col=2)) Note that the botom-left cell is not the same as `states_matrix` matrix size:: >>> states_matrix = np.asarray([ ... [0, 0, 0, 0], ... [0, 1, 0, 0], ... [0, 1, 1, 0], ... [0, 0, 1, 0], ... [0, 0, 0, 0], ... ]) >>> margin_coords_from_states_matrix(states_matrix) == margins True """ if not states_matrix.any(): c = Coords(0, 0) return c, c indices = np.array(np.where(states_matrix), dtype=np.int32).T # return indices.min(0), indices.max(0) return Coords(*indices.min(0)), Coords(*indices.max(0))
SheetId = namedtuple('SheetId', ('book', 'ids'))
[docs]class ABCSheet(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): """ A delegating to backend factory and sheet-wrapper with utility methods. :param np.ndarray _states_matrix: The :term:`states-matrix` cached, so recreate object to refresh it. :param dict _margin_coords: limits used by :func:`_resolve_cell`, cached, so recreate object to refresh it. Resource management is outside of the scope of this class, and must happen in the backend workbook/sheet instance. *xlrd* examples:: >>> import xlrd # doctest: +SKIP >>> with xlrd.open_workbook(self.tmp) as wb: # doctest: +SKIP ... sheet = xleash.xlrdSheet(wb.sheet_by_name('Sheet1')) ... ## Do whatever *win32* examples:: >>> with dsgdsdsfsd as wb: # doctest: +SKIP ... sheet = xleash.win32Sheet(wb.sheet['Sheet1']) TODO: Win32 Sheet example """ _states_matrix = None _margin_coords = None
[docs] def _close(self): """ Override it to release resources for this sheet."""
[docs] def _close_all(self): """ Override it to release resources this and all sibling sheets."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_sheet_ids(self): """ :return: a 2-tuple of its wb-name and a sheet-ids of this sheet i.e. name & indx :rtype: SheetId or None """
[docs] @abstractmethod def open_sibling_sheet(self, sheet_id): """Return a sibling sheet by the given index or name"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def list_sheetnames(self): """Return a list of names"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def _read_states_matrix(self): """ Read the :term:`states-matrix` of the wrapped sheet. :return: A 2D-array with `False` wherever cell are blank or empty. :rtype: ndarray """
[docs] def get_states_matrix(self): """ Read and cache the :term:`states-matrix` of the wrapped sheet. :return: A 2D-array with `False` wherever cell are blank or empty. :rtype: ndarray :raise: EmptyCaptureException if sheet empty """ if self._states_matrix is None: self._states_matrix = self._read_states_matrix() return self._states_matrix
[docs] @abstractmethod def read_rect(self, st, nd): """ Fecth the actual values from the backend Excel-sheet. :param Coords st: the top-left edge, inclusive :param Coords, None nd: the bottom-right edge, inclusive(!); when `None`, must return a scalar value. :type nd: Coords, None :return: Depends on whether both coords are given: - If both given, 2D list-lists with the values of the rect, which might be empty if beyond limits. - If only 1st given, the scalar value, and if beyond margins, raise error! :rtype: list :raise: EmptyCaptureException (optionally) if sheet empty """
[docs] def _read_margin_coords(self): """ Override if possible to read (any of the) limits directly from the sheet. :return: the 2 coords of the top-left & bottom-right full cells; anyone coords can be None. By default returns ``(None, None)``. :rtype: (Coords, Coords) :raise: EmptyCaptureException if sheet empty """ return None, None # pragma: no cover
[docs] def get_margin_coords(self): """ Extract (and cache) margins either internally or from :func:`margin_coords_from_states_matrix()`. :return: the resolved top-left and bottom-right :class:`.xleash.Coords` :rtype: tuple :raise: EmptyCaptureException if sheet empty """ if not self._margin_coords: up, dn = self._read_margin_coords() if up is None or dn is None: sm = self.get_states_matrix() up1, dn1 = margin_coords_from_states_matrix(sm) up = up or up1 dn = dn or dn1 self._margin_coords = up, dn return self._margin_coords
[docs] def __repr__(self): args = (type(self).__name__, ) + self.get_sheet_ids() return '%s(book=%r, sheet_ids=%r)' % args
[docs]class ArraySheet(ABCSheet): """A sample :class:`ABCSheet` made out of 2D-list or numpy-arrays, for facilitating tests."""
[docs] def __init__(self, arr, ids=SheetId('wb', ['sh', 0])): self._arr = np.asarray(arr) self._ids = ids
[docs] def open_sibling_sheet(self, sheet_id): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_sheet_ids(self): return self._ids
[docs] def list_sheetnames(self): return [self._ids.ids[0]]
[docs] def _read_states_matrix(self): if not self._arr.size: raise _capture.EmptyCaptureException('empty sheet') return ~np.equal(self._arr, None)
[docs] def read_rect(self, st, nd): if not self._arr.size: raise _capture.EmptyCaptureException('empty sheet') if nd is None: return self._arr[st] rect = np.array([st, nd]) + [[0, 0], [1, 1]] return self._arr[slice(*rect[:, 0]), slice(*rect[:, 1])].tolist()
[docs] def __repr__(self): return 'ArraySheet(%s, \n%s)' % (self.get_sheet_ids(), self._arr)