Source code for pandalone.xleash._parse

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014 European Commission (JRC);
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
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The syntax-parsing part *xleash*.

Prefer accessing the public members from the parent module.

.. currentmodule:: pandalone.xleash

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from collections import namedtuple
import json
import re

from future.builtins import str
from urllib.parse import urldefrag
from past.builtins import basestring

import itertools as itt
import numpy as np

[docs]class Cell(namedtuple('Cell', ('row', 'col', 'brow', 'bcol'))): """ A pair of 1-based strings, denoting the "A1" coordinates of a cell. The "num" coords (numeric, 0-based) are specified using numpy-arrays (:class:`Coords`). """
[docs] def __new__(cls, row, col, brow=None, bcol=None): return super(cls, Cell).__new__(cls, row and row.upper(), col and col.upper(), brow and brow.upper(), bcol and bcol.upper())
[docs] def __str__(self): r = self.row c = self.col try: c = int(c) s = 'R%sC%s' % (r, c, ) except: s = '%s%s' % (c, r) return s
[docs] def __repr__(self): if self.brow or self.bcol: s = super(Cell, self).__repr__() else: s = "Cell(row=%r, col=%r)" % (self.row, self.col) return s
Cell.__new__.__defaults__ = (None, None) """Make :class:`Cell` construct with missing 'brow', 'bcol' fields as `None`."""
[docs]class Edge(namedtuple('Edge', ('land', 'mov', 'mod'))): """ All the infos required to :term:`target` a cell. An :term:`Edge` contains *A1* :class:`Cell` as `land`. :param Cell land: the :term:`landing-cell` :param str mov: use None for missing moves. :param str mod: one of (`+`, `-` or `None`) """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] def __new__(cls, land, mov=None, mod=None): return super(cls, Edge).__new__(cls, land, mov, mod)
[docs] def __str__(self): return ('%s(%s%s)' % (,, self.mod or '') if else str(
# def __repr__(self): # return "Edge('%s')" % str(self) _topleft_Edge = Edge(Cell('^', '^')) _bottomright_Edge = Edge(Cell('_', '_'))
[docs]def Edge_new(row, col, mov=None, mod=None, default=None): """ Make a new `Edge` from any non-values supplied, as is capitalized, or nothing. :param str, None col: ie ``A`` :param str, None row: ie ``1`` :param str, None mov: ie ``RU`` :param str, None mod: ie ``+`` :return: a `Edge` if any non-None :rtype: Edge, None Examples:: >>> Edge_new('1', 'a', 'Rul', '-') Edge(land=Cell(row='1', col='A'), mov='RUL', mod='-') >>> print(Edge_new('5', '5')) R5C5 No error checking performed:: >>> Edge_new('Any', 'foo', 'BaR', '+_&%') Edge(land=Cell(row='ANY', col='FOO'), mov='BAR', mod='+_&%') >>> print(Edge_new(None, None, None, None)) None except were coincidental:: >>> Edge_new(row=0, col=123, mov='BAR', mod=None) Traceback (most recent call last): AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'upper' >>> Edge_new(row=0, col='A', mov=123, mod=None) Traceback (most recent call last): AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'upper' """ if col == row == mov == mod is None: return default return Edge(land=Cell(row, col), mov=mov and mov.upper(), mod=mod)
_encase_regex = re.compile(r'^\s*(?P<q>[/\\"$%&])(.+)(?P=q)\s*$', re.DOTALL) _regular_xlref_regex = re.compile( r""" ^\s*(?:(?P<sh_name>[^!]+)?!)? # xl sheet name (?: # 1st-edge (?: (?: (?P<st_col>[A-Z]+|[_^]) # A1-col (?P<st_row>[123456789]\d*|[_^]) # A1-row ) | (?: R(?P<st_row2>-?[123456789]\d*|[_^.]) # RC-row C(?P<st_col2>-?[123456789]\d*|[_^.]) # RC-col ) ) (?:\( (?P<st_mov>L|U|R|D|LD|LU|UL|UR|RU|RD|DL|DR) # moves (?P<st_mod>[+?])? # move modifiers \) )? )? (?:(?P<colon>:) # ':' needed if 2nd (?: # 2nd-edge (?: # target (?: (?P<nd_col>[A-Z]+|[_^.]) # A1-col (?P<nd_row>[123456789]\d*|[_^.]) # A1-row ) | (?: R(?P<nd_row2>-?[123456789]\d*|[_^.]) # RC-row C(?P<nd_col2>-?[123456789]\d*|[_^.]) # RC-col ) ) (?:\( (?P<nd_mov>L|U|R|D|LD|LU|UL|UR|RU|RD|DL|DR) # moves (?P<nd_mod>[+?])? # move-modifiers \) )? )? (?: :(?P<exp_moves>[LURD?123456789]+) # expansion moves )? )? (?: :\s*(?P<js_filt>[{"[].*) # filters )?$ """, re.IGNORECASE | re.X | re.DOTALL) """The regex for parsing regular :term:`xl-ref`. """ _re_exp_moves_splitter = re.compile('([LURD]\d+)', re.IGNORECASE) # TODO: Make exp_moves `?` work different from numbers. _re_exp_moves_parser = re.compile( r""" ^(?P<moves>[LURD]+) # primitive moves (?P<times>\?|\d+)? # repetition times $""", re.IGNORECASE | re.X) _excel_str_translator = str.maketrans('“”', '""') # @UndefinedVariable """Excel use these !@#% chars for double-quotes, which are not valid JSON-strings!!""" CallSpec = namedtuple('CallSpec', ['func', 'args', 'kwds']) """The :term:`call-specifier` for holding the parsed json-filters.""" CallSpec.__new__.__defaults__ = ([], {}) """Make optional the last 2 fields of :class:`CallSpec` ``(args', kwds)`` ."""
[docs]def parse_call_spec(call_spec_values): """ Parse :term:`call-specifier` from json-filters. :param call_spec_values: This is a *non-null* structure specifying some function call in the `filter` part, which it can be either: - string: ``"func_name"`` - list: ``["func_name", ["arg1", "arg2"], {"k1": "v1"}]`` where the last 2 parts are optional and can be given in any order; - object: ``{"func": "func_name", "args": ["arg1"], "kwds": {"k":"v"}}`` where the `args` and `kwds` are optional. :return: the 3-tuple ``func, args=(), kwds={}`` with the defaults as shown when missing. """ def boolarr(l): return np.fromiter(l, dtype=bool) def parse_list(func, item1=None, item2=None): items = (item1, item2) isargs = boolarr(isinstance(a, list) for a in items) iskwds = boolarr(isinstance(a, dict) for a in items) isnull = boolarr(a is None for a in items) if isargs.all() or iskwds.all() or not ( isargs ^ iskwds ^ isnull).all(): msg = "Cannot decide `args`/`kwds` for call_spec(%s)!" raise ValueError(msg.format(call_spec_values)) args, kwds = None, None if isargs.any(): args = items[isargs.nonzero()[0][0]] if iskwds.any(): kwds = items[iskwds.nonzero()[0][0]] return func, args, kwds def parse_object(func, args=None, kwds=None): return func, args, kwds try: if isinstance(call_spec_values, basestring): func, args, kwds = call_spec_values, None, None # elif isinstance(call_spec_values, (tuple, list)): ??? elif isinstance(call_spec_values, list): func, args, kwds = parse_list(*call_spec_values) elif isinstance(call_spec_values, dict): func, args, kwds = parse_object(**call_spec_values) else: msg = "One of str, list or dict expected for call-spec({})!" raise ValueError(msg.format(call_spec_values)) except ValueError: raise except Exception as ex: msg = "Cannot parse call-spec({}) due to: {}" raise ValueError(msg.format(call_spec_values, ex)) if not isinstance(func, basestring): msg = "Expected a `string` for func({}) for call-spec({})!" raise ValueError(msg.format(func, call_spec_values)) if args is None: args = [] elif not isinstance(args, list): msg = "Expected a `list` for args({}) for call-spec({})!" raise ValueError(msg.format(args, call_spec_values)) if kwds is None: kwds = {} elif not isinstance(kwds, dict): msg = "Expected a `dict` for kwds({}) for call-spec({})!" raise ValueError(msg.format(kwds, call_spec_values)) return CallSpec(func, args, kwds)
[docs]def _repeat_moves(moves, times=None): """ Returns an iterator that repeats `moves` x `times`, or infinite if unspecified. Used when parsing primitive :term:`directions`. :param str moves: the moves to repeat ie ``RU1D?`` :param str times: N of repetitions. If `None` it means infinite repetitions. :return: An iterator of the moves :rtype: iterator Examples:: >>> list(_repeat_moves('LUR', '3')) ['LUR', 'LUR', 'LUR'] >>> list(_repeat_moves('ABC', '0')) [] >>> _repeat_moves('ABC') ## infinite repetitions repeat('ABC') """ args = (moves,) if times is not None: args += (int(times), ) return itt.repeat(*args)
[docs]def parse_expansion_moves(exp_moves): """ Parse rect-expansion into a list of dir-letters iterables. :param exp_moves: A string with a sequence of primitive moves: es. L1U1R1D1 :type xl_ref: str :return: A list of primitive-dir chains. :rtype: list Examples:: >>> res = parse_expansion_moves('lu1urd?') >>> res [repeat('L'), repeat('U', 1), repeat('UR'), repeat('D', 1)] # infinite generator >>> [next(res[0]) for i in range(10)] ['L', 'L', 'L', 'L', 'L', 'L', 'L', 'L', 'L', 'L'] >>> list(res[1]) ['U'] >>> parse_expansion_moves('1LURD') Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: Invalid rect-expansion(1LURD) due to: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groupdict' """ try: res = _re_exp_moves_splitter.split(exp_moves.upper().replace('?', '1')) return [_repeat_moves(**_re_exp_moves_parser.match(v).groupdict()) for v in res if v != ''] except Exception as ex: msg = 'Invalid rect-expansion({}) due to: {}' raise ValueError(msg.format(exp_moves, ex))
def _parse_edge(gs, prefix, default_edge): row_a1, row_rc = gs.pop('%s_row' % prefix), gs.pop('%s_row2' % prefix) col_a1, col_rc = gs.pop('%s_col' % prefix), gs.pop('%s_col2' % prefix) return Edge_new(row_a1 or row_rc, col_a1 or col_rc, gs.pop('%s_mov' % prefix), gs.pop('%s_mod' % prefix), default_edge)
[docs]def parse_xlref_fragment(xlref_fragment): """ Parses a :term:`xl-ref` fragment, anything to the left of the hash(`#`). :param str xlref_fragment: the url-fragment part of the :term:`xl-ref` string, including the ``'#'`` char. :return: dictionary containing the following parameters: - sheet: (str, int, None) i.e. ``sheet_name`` - st_edge: (Edge, None) the 1st-ref, with raw cell i.e. ``Edge(land=Cell(row='8', col='UPT'), mov='LU', mod='-')`` - nd_edge: (Edge, None) the 2nd-ref, with raw cell i.e. ``Edge(land=Cell(row='_', col='.'), mov='D', mod='+')`` - exp_moves: (sequence, None), as i.e. ``LDL1`` parsed by :func:`parse_expansion_moves()` - js_filt: dict i.e. ``{"dims: 1}`` :rtype: dict Examples:: >>> res = parse_xlref_fragment('Sheet1!A1(DR+):Z20(UL):L1U2R1D1:' ... '{"opts":{}, "func": "foo"}') >>> sorted(res.items()) [('call_spec', CallSpec(func='foo', args=[], kwds={})), ('exp_moves', 'L1U2R1D1'), ('nd_edge', Edge(land=Cell(row='20', col='Z'), mov='UL', mod=None)), ('opts', {}), ('sh_name', 'Sheet1'), ('st_edge', Edge(land=Cell(row='1', col='A'), mov='DR', mod='+'))] Shortcut for all sheet from top-left to bottom-right full-cells:: >>> res = parse_xlref_fragment(':') >>> sorted(res.items()) [('call_spec', None), ('exp_moves', None), ('nd_edge', Edge(land=Cell(row='_', col='_'), mov=None, mod=None)), ('opts', None), ('sh_name', None), ('st_edge', Edge(land=Cell(row='^', col='^'), mov=None, mod=None))] Errors:: >>> parse_xlref_fragment('A1(DR)Z20(UL)') Traceback (most recent call last): SyntaxError: Not an `xl-ref` syntax: A1(DR)Z20(UL) """ m = _regular_xlref_regex.match(xlref_fragment) if not m: raise SyntaxError('Not an `xl-ref` syntax: %s' % xlref_fragment) gs = m.groupdict() is_colon = gs.pop('colon') gs['st_edge'] = _parse_edge(gs, 'st', is_colon and _topleft_Edge) gs['nd_edge'] = _parse_edge(gs, 'nd', is_colon and _bottomright_Edge) assert is_colon or not gs['nd_edge'], (xlref_fragment, gs['nd_edge']) if gs['st_edge'] == gs['nd_edge'] == None: gs['st_edge'] = _topleft_Edge gs['nd_edge'] = _bottomright_Edge exp_moves = gs['exp_moves'] gs['exp_moves'] = exp_moves js = gs.pop('js_filt', None) if js: try: js = json.loads(js) except ValueError as ex: msg = 'Filters are not valid JSON: %s\n JSON: \n%s' raise ValueError(msg % (ex, js)) opts = js.pop('opts', None) if isinstance(js, dict) else None if opts is not None and not isinstance(opts, dict): msg = 'Filter-opts({}) must be a json-object(dictionary)!' raise ValueError(msg.format(opts)) gs['opts'] = opts gs['call_spec'] = parse_call_spec(js) if js else None return gs
[docs]def parse_xlref(xlref): """ Like ``_parse_xlref()`` but tries also if `xlreaf` is encased by delimiter chars ``/\\"$%&``. .. seealso:: _encase_regex """ try: res = _parse_xlref(xlref) except SyntaxError as ex: try: m = _encase_regex.match(xlref) except SyntaxError: raise ex else: if m: res = _parse_xlref( res['xl-ref'] = xlref else: raise ex return res
[docs]def _parse_xlref(xlref): """ Parse a :term:`xl-ref` into a dict. :param str xlref: A url-string abiding to the :term:`xl-ref` syntax. :return: A dict with all fields, with None with those missing. :rtype: dict Examples:: >>> res = parse_xlref('workbook.xlsx#Sheet1!A1(DR+):Z20(UL):L1U2R1D1:' ... '{"opts":{}, "func": "foo"}') >>> sorted(res.items()) [('call_spec', CallSpec(func='foo', args=[], kwds={})), ('exp_moves', 'L1U2R1D1'), ('nd_edge', Edge(land=Cell(row='20', col='Z'), mov='UL', mod=None)), ('opts', {}), ('sh_name', 'Sheet1'), ('st_edge', Edge(land=Cell(row='1', col='A'), mov='DR', mod='+')), ('url_file', 'workbook.xlsx'), ('xl_ref', 'workbook.xlsx#Sheet1!A1(DR+):Z20(UL):L1U2R1D1:{"opts":{}, "func": "foo"}')] Shortcut for all sheet from top-left to bottom-right full-cells:: >>> res=parse_xlref('#:') >>> sorted(res.items()) [('call_spec', None), ('exp_moves', None), ('nd_edge', Edge(land=Cell(row='_', col='_'), mov=None, mod=None)), ('opts', None), ('sh_name', None), ('st_edge', Edge(land=Cell(row='^', col='^'), mov=None, mod=None)), ('url_file', None), ('xl_ref', '#:')] Errors:: >>> parse_xlref('A1(DR)Z20(UL)') Traceback (most recent call last): SyntaxError: No fragment-part (starting with '#'): A1(DR)Z20(UL) >>> parse_xlref('#A1(DR)Z20(UL)') ## Missing ':'. Traceback (most recent call last): SyntaxError: Not an `xl-ref` syntax: A1(DR)Z20(UL) But as soon as syntax is matched, subsequent errors raised are :class:`ValueErrors`:: >>> parse_xlref("#A1:B1:{'Bad_JSON_str'}") Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: Filters are not valid JSON: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 1 column 2 (char 1) JSON: {'Bad_JSON_str'} """ xlref = xlref.translate(_excel_str_translator) url_file, frag = urldefrag(xlref) if not frag: raise SyntaxError( "No fragment-part (starting with '#'): %s" % xlref) res = parse_xlref_fragment(frag) frag = frag.strip() res['url_file'] = url_file or None res['xl_ref'] = xlref return res