Source code for pandalone.xleash._filter

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014 European Commission (JRC);
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
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The high-level functionality, the filtering and recursive :term:`lassoing`.

Prefer accessing the public members from the parent module.

.. currentmodule:: pandalone.xleash

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
import logging

import asteval
from future.utils import iteritems
from past.builtins import basestring
from toolz import dicttoolz as dtz

import numpy as np

from . import Lasso, _parse
from ..utils import LoggerWriter
from ..utils import as_list

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def pipe_filter(ranger, lasso, *filters, **kwds): """ A :term:`bulk-filter` that applies all call-specifiers one after another on the :term:`capture-rect` values. :param list filters: the json-parsed :term:`call-spec` """ for filt in filters: call_spec = _parse.parse_call_spec(filt) lasso = ranger.make_call(lasso, *call_spec) return lasso
[docs]def _classify_rect_shape(st, nd): """ Identifies rect from its edge-coordinates (row, col, 2d-table).. :param Coords st: the top-left edge of capture-rect, inclusive :param Coords or None nd: the bottom-right edge of capture-rect, inclusive :return: in int based on the input like that: - 0: only `st` given - 1: `st` and `nd` point the same cell - 2: row - 3: col - 4: 2d-table Examples:: >>> _classify_rect_shape((1,1), None) 0 >>> _classify_rect_shape((2,2), (2,2)) 1 >>> _classify_rect_shape((2,2), (2,20)) 2 >>> _classify_rect_shape((2,2), (20,2)) 3 >>> _classify_rect_shape((2,2), (20,20)) 4 """ if nd is None: return 0 rows = nd[0] - st[0] cols = nd[1] - st[1] return 1 + bool(cols) + 2 * bool(rows)
def _decide_ndim_by_rect_shape(shape_idx, ndims_list): return ndims_list[shape_idx]
[docs]def _updim(values, new_ndim): """ Append trivial dimensions to the left. :param values: The scalar ot 2D-results of :meth:`Sheet.read_rect()` :param int new_dim: The new dimension the result should have """ new_shape = (1,) * (new_ndim - values.ndim) + values.shape return values.reshape(new_shape)
[docs]def _downdim(values, new_ndim): """ Squeeze it, and then flatten it, before inflating it. :param values: The scalar ot 2D-results of :meth:`Sheet.read_rect()` :param int new_dim: The new dimension the result should have """ trivial_indxs = [i for i, d in enumerate(values.shape) if d == 1] offset = values.ndim - new_ndim trivial_ndims = len(trivial_indxs) if offset > trivial_ndims: values = values.flatten() elif offset == trivial_ndims: values = values.squeeze() else: for _, indx in zip(range(offset), trivial_indxs): values = values.squeeze(indx) return values
[docs]def _redim(values, new_ndim): """ Reshapes the :term:`capture-rect` values of :func:`read_capture_rect()`. :param values: The scalar ot 2D-results of :meth:`Sheet.read_rect()` :type values: (nested) list, * :param new_ndim: :type int, (int, bool) or None new_ndim: :return: reshaped values :rtype: list of lists, list, * Examples:: >>> _redim([1, 2], 2) [[1, 2]] >>> _redim([[1, 2]], 1) [1, 2] >>> _redim([], 2) [[]] >>> _redim([[3.14]], 0) 3.14 >>> _redim([[11, 22]], 0) [11, 22] >>> arr = [[[11], [22]]] >>> arr == _redim(arr, None) True >>> _redim([[11, 22]], 0) [11, 22] """ if new_ndim is None: return values values = np.asarray(values) try: new_ndim, transpose = new_ndim if transpose: values = values.T except: pass if new_ndim is not None: if values.ndim < new_ndim: values = _updim(values, new_ndim) elif values.ndim > new_ndim: values = _downdim(values, new_ndim) return values.tolist()
[docs]def xlwings_dims_call_spec(): """A list :term:`call-spec` for :meth:`_redim_filter` :term:`filter` that imitates results of *xlwings* library.""" return '["redim", [0, 1, 1, 1, 2]]'
[docs]def redim_filter(ranger, lasso, scalar=None, cell=None, row=None, col=None, table=None): """ A :term:`bulk-filter` that reshapes sand/or transpose captured values, depending on rect's shape. Each dimension might be a single int or None, or a pair [dim, transpose]. """ ndims_list = (scalar, cell, row, col, table) shape_idx = _classify_rect_shape(, lasso.nd) new_ndim = _decide_ndim_by_rect_shape(shape_idx, ndims_list) values = lasso.values if new_ndim is not None: lasso = lasso._replace(values=_redim(values, new_ndim)) return lasso
XLocation = namedtuple('XLocation', ('sheet', 'st', 'nd', 'base_coords')) """ Fields denoting the position of a sheet/cell while running a :term:`element-wise-filter`. Practically func:`run_filter_elementwise() preserves these fields if the processed ones were `None`. """
[docs]def run_filter_elementwise(ranger, lasso, element_func, filters, include=None, exclude=None, depth=-1, *args, **kwds): """ Runner of all :term:`element-wise` :term:`filters`. It applies the `element_func` on elements extracted from ``lasso.values`` by treating the later first as "indexed" objects (Mappings, Series and Dataframes.), and if that fails, as nested lists. - The `include`/`exclude` filter args work only for "indexed" objects with ``items()`` or ``iteritems()`` and indexing methods. - If no filter arg specified, expands for all keys. - If only `include` specified, rejects all keys not explicitly contained in this filter arg. - If only `exclude` specified, expands all keys not explicitly contained in this filter arg. - When both `include`/`exclude` exist, only those explicitly included are accepted, unless also excluded. - Lower the :mod:`logging` level to see other than syntax-errors on recursion reported on :data:`log`. - Only those in :class:`XLocation` are passed recursively. :param list element_func: A function implementing the element-wise :term:`filter` and returning a 2-tuple ``(is_proccessed, new_val_or_lasso)``, like that:: def element_func(ranger, lasso, context, elval) proced = False try: elval = int(elval) proced = True except ValueError: pass return proced, elval Its `kwds` may contain the `include`, `exclude` and `depth` args. Any exception raised from `element_func` will cancel the diving. :param list filters: Any :term:`filters` to apply after invoking the `element_func`. :param list or str include: Items to include when diving into "indexed" values. See description above. :param list or str exclude: Items to exclude when diving into "indexed" values. See description above. :param int or None depth: How deep to dive into nested structures, "indexed" or lists. If `< 0`, no limit. If 0, stops completely. :params args: To be relayed to 'element_func'. :params kwds: To be relayed to 'element_func'. """ include = include and as_list(include) exclude = exclude and as_list(exclude) def is_included(elval, key, cdepth): ok = True if cdepth == 0 or isinstance(elval, dict): ok &= not include or key in include ok &= not exclude or key not in exclude return ok def upd_base_coords(elval, cdepth, base_coords, i): if base_coords and not isinstance(elval, dict): row, col = base_coords try: import pandas as pd except ImportError: if cdepth == 0: row += i elif cdepth == 1: col += + i else: if isinstance(elval, pd.DataFrame): col += i elif isinstance(elval, pd.Series): row += i return row, col def call_element_func(elval, cdepth, base_coords): context_kwds = dtz.keyfilter(lambda k: k in XLocation._fields, lasso._asdict()) context_kwds['base_coords'] = base_coords context = XLocation(**context_kwds) try: proced, res_lasso = element_func(ranger, lasso, context, elval, *args, **kwds) except Exception as ex: msg_args = (elval, context, ex) raise ValueError("Value(%r) at %s: \n %s" % msg_args) if proced: if not isinstance(res_lasso, Lasso): res_lasso = lasso._replace(values=res_lasso) for call_spec in sub_call_specs: res_lasso = ranger.make_call(res_lasso, *call_spec) elval = res_lasso and res_lasso.values return proced, elval def dive_list(elval, cdepth, base_coords): proced, elval = call_element_func(elval, cdepth, base_coords) if not proced and isinstance(elval, list): for i, v in enumerate(elval): nbc = upd_base_coords(elval, cdepth, base_coords, i) elval[i] = dive_indexed(v, cdepth + 1, nbc) return elval def dive_indexed(elval, cdepth, base_coords): if cdepth != depth: dived = False try: items = iteritems(elval) except: pass # Just to avoid chained ex. else: for i, (k, v) in enumerate(items): # Dict is not ordered, so cannot locate `base_coords`! if is_included(elval, k, cdepth): nbc = upd_base_coords(elval, cdepth, base_coords, i) elval[k] = dive_indexed(v, cdepth + 1, nbc) dived = True if not dived: elval = dive_list(elval, cdepth, base_coords) return elval sub_call_specs = [_parse.parse_call_spec(f) for f in filters] values = dive_indexed(lasso.values, 0, return lasso._replace(values=values)
def _recurse_element_func(ranger, lasso, context, elval): proced = False try: if isinstance(elval, basestring): lasso = ranger.do_lasso(elval, **context._asdict()) proced = True except SyntaxError as ex: msg = "Skipped non `xl-ref` value(%r) \n ++at %s \n ++while lassoing %r \n ++due to: %s" msg_args = (elval, context, lasso.xl_ref, ex) log.debug(msg, *msg_args) except Exception as ex: msg = "Lassoing `xl-ref` failed due to: %s" raise ValueError(msg % ex) return proced, lasso
[docs]def recursive_filter(ranger, lasso, filters=(), include=None, exclude=None, depth=-1): """ A :term:`element-wise-filter` that expand recursively any :term:`xl-ref` strings elements in :term:`capture-rect` values. :param list filters: Any :term:`filters` to apply after invoking the `element_func`. :param list or str include: Items to include when diving into "indexed" values. See :func:`run_filter_elementwise()`. :param list or str exclude: Items to exclude when diving into "indexed" values. See :func:`run_filter_elementwise()`. :param int or None depth: How deep to dive into nested structures, "indexed" or lists. If `< 0`, no limit. If 0, stops completely. See :func:`run_filter_elementwise()`. """ return run_filter_elementwise(ranger, lasso, _recurse_element_func, filters, include, exclude, depth)
ast_log_writer = LoggerWriter(logging.getLogger('%s.pyeval' % __name__), logging.INFO) def _pyeval_element_func(ranger, lasso, context, elval, eval_all): proced = False if isinstance(elval, basestring): expr = str(elval) symtable = locals() from .. import xleash symtable.update({'xleash': xleash}) aeval = asteval.Interpreter(usersyms=symtable, writer=ast_log_writer) res = aeval.eval(expr) if aeval.error: error = aeval.error[0].get_error() if eval_all: msg = "%i errors while py-evaluating %r: %s: %s" msg_args = (len(aeval.error), expr) + error raise ValueError(msg % msg_args) else: msg = "Skipped py-evaluating value(%r) \n ++at %s \n ++while lassoing %r \n ++due to %i errors: %s: %s" msg_args = (elval, context, lasso.xl_ref, len(aeval.error)) + error log.warning(msg, *msg_args) else: if isinstance(res, Lasso): lasso = (res._replace(opts=lasso.opts) if res.opts is None else res) else: lasso = lasso._replace(values=res) proced = True return proced, lasso
[docs]def pyeval_filter(ranger, lasso, filters=(), eval_all=False, include=None, exclude=None, depth=-1): """ A :term:`element-wise-filter` that uses :mod:`asteval` to evaluate string values as python expressions. The `expr` fecthed from `term:`capturing` may access read-write all :func:`locals()` of this method (ie: `ranger`, `lasso`), the :mod:`numpy` funcs, and the :mod:`pandalone.xleash` module under the `xleash` variable. The `expr` may return either: - the processed values, or - an instance of the :class:`Lasso`, in which case only its `opt` field is checked and replaced with original if missing. So better use :func:`namedtuple._replace()` on the current `lasso` which exists in the expr's namespace. :param bool eval_all: If `True` raise on 1st error and stop diving cells. Defaults to `False`. :param list filters: Any :term:`filters` to apply after invoking the `element_func`. :param list or str include: Items to include when diving into "indexed" values. See :func:`run_filter_elementwise()`. :param list or str exclude: Items to exclude when diving into "indexed" values. See :func:`run_filter_elementwise()`. :param int or None depth: How deep to dive into nested structures, "indexed" or lists. If `< 0`, no limit. If 0, stops completely. See :func:`run_filter_elementwise()`. Example:: >>> expr = ''' ... res = array([[0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1]]) ... res * res.T ... ''' >>> lasso = Lasso(values=expr, opts={}) >>> ranger = Ranger(None) >>> eval_filter(ranger, lasso).values array([[ 0.25, 0.15, 0.05, 0.05], [ 0.15, 0.09, 0.03, 0.03], [ 0.05, 0.03, 0.01, 0.01], [ 0.05, 0.03, 0.01, 0.01]]) """ return run_filter_elementwise(ranger, lasso, _pyeval_element_func, filters, include, exclude, depth, eval_all=eval_all)
[docs]def py_filter(ranger, lasso, expr): """ A :term:`bulk-filter` that passes values through a python-expression using :mod:`asteval` library. The `expr` may access read-write all :func:`locals()` of this method (`ranger`, `lasso`), the :mod:`numpy` funcs, and the :mod:`pandalone.xleash` module under the `xleash` variable. The `expr` may return either: - the processed values, or - an instance of the :class:`Lasso`, in which case only its `opt` field is checked and replaced with original if missing. So better use :func:`namedtuple._replace()` on the current `lasso` which exists in the expr's namespace. :param str expr: The python-expression, which may comprise of multiple statements. """ symtable = locals() from .. import xleash symtable.update({'xleash': xleash}) aeval = asteval.Interpreter(usersyms=symtable, writer=ast_log_writer) res = aeval.eval(expr) if aeval.error: error = aeval.error[0].get_error() msg = "%i errors while py-evaluating %r: %s: %s" msg_args = (len(aeval.error), expr) + error raise ValueError(msg % msg_args) else: if isinstance(res, Lasso): lasso = (res._replace(opts=lasso.opts) if res.opts is None else res) else: lasso = lasso._replace(values=res) return lasso
[docs]def install_default_filters(filters_dict): """ Updates the default available :term:`filters` used by :func:`lasso()` when constructing its internal :class:`Ranger`. :param dict filters_dict: The dictionary to update with the default filters. """ filters_dict.update({ 'pipe': { 'func': pipe_filter, }, 'pyeval': { 'func': pyeval_filter, }, 'py': { 'func': py_filter, }, 'recurse': { 'func': recursive_filter, }, 'redim': { 'func': redim_filter, }, 'numpy': { 'func': lambda ranger, lasso, * args, **kwds: lasso._replace( values=np.array(lasso.values, *args, **kwds)), 'desc': np.array.__doc__, }, 'dict': { 'func': lambda ranger, lasso, * args, **kwds: lasso._replace( values=dict(lasso.values, *args, **kwds)), 'desc': dict.__doc__, }, 'odict': { 'func': lambda ranger, lasso, * args, **kwds: lasso._replace( values=OrderedDict(lasso.values, *args, **kwds)), 'desc': OrderedDict.__doc__, }, 'sorted': { 'func': lambda ranger, lasso, * args, **kwds: lasso._replace( values=sorted(lasso.values, *args, **kwds)), 'desc': sorted.__doc__, }, })