Source code for pandalone.xleash._capture

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014 European Commission (JRC);
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
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The algorithmic part of :term:`capturing`.

Prefer accessing the public members from the parent module.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import logging
from string import ascii_uppercase

from future.builtins import str

import numpy as np

from . import Coords, _parse
from ._parse import Cell

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from xlrd import colname as xl_colname
    # TODO: Try different backends providing `colname` function.
except ImportError:
        'One of `xlrd`, `...` libraries is needed, will crash later!')

"""When `True`, most coord-functions accept any 2-tuples."""

[docs]class EmptyCaptureException(Exception): """ Thrown when :term:`targeting` fails. """
_special_coord_symbols = {'^', '_', '.'} _primitive_dir_vectors = { 'L': Coords(0, -1), 'U': Coords(-1, 0), 'R': Coords(0, 1), 'D': Coords(1, 0) }
[docs]def coords2Cell(row, col): """Make *A1* :class:`Cell` from *resolved* coords, with rudimentary error-checking. Examples:: >>> coords2Cell(row=0, col=0) Cell(row='1', col='A') >>> coords2Cell(row=0, col=26) Cell(row='1', col='AA') >>> coords2Cell(row=10, col='.') Cell(row='11', col='.') >>> coords2Cell(row=-3, col=-2) Traceback (most recent call last): AssertionError: negative row! """ if row not in _special_coord_symbols: assert row >= 0, 'negative row!' row = str(row + 1) if col not in _special_coord_symbols: assert col >= 0, 'negative col!' col = xl_colname(col) return Cell(row=row, col=col)
[docs]def _row2num(coord): """ Resolves special coords or converts Excel 1-based rows to zero-based, reporting invalids. :param str, int coord: excel-row coordinate or one of ``^_.`` :return: excel row number, >= 0 :rtype: int Examples:: >>> row = _row2num('1') >>> row 0 >>> row == _row2num(1) True Negatives (from bottom) are preserved:: >>> _row2num('-1') -1 Fails ugly:: >>> _row2num('.') Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '.' """ rcoord = int(coord) if rcoord == 0: msg = 'Uncooked-coord cannot be zero!' raise ValueError(msg.format(coord)) if rcoord > 0: rcoord -= 1 return rcoord
[docs]def _col2num(coord): """ Resolves special coords or converts Excel A1 columns to a zero-based, reporting invalids. :param str coord: excel-column coordinate or one of ``^_.`` :return: excel column number, >= 0 :rtype: int Examples:: >>> col = _col2num('D') >>> col 3 >>> _col2num('d') == col True >>> _col2num('AaZ') 727 >>> _col2num('10') 9 >>> _col2num(9) 8 Negatives (from left-end) are preserved:: >>> _col2num('AaZ') 727 Fails ugly:: >>> _col2num('%$') Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: substring not found >>> _col2num([]) Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'list' """ try: rcoord = int(coord) except ValueError: rcoord = 0 for c in coord: rcoord = rcoord * 26 + ascii_uppercase.rindex(c.upper()) + 1 rcoord -= 1 else: if rcoord == 0: msg = 'Uncooked-coord cannot be zero!' raise ValueError(msg.format(coord)) elif rcoord > 0: rcoord -= 1 return rcoord
[docs]def _resolve_coord(cname, cfunc, coord, up_coord, dn_coord, base_coords=None): """ Translates special coords or converts Excel string 1-based rows/cols to zero-based, reporting invalids. :param str cname: the coord-name, one of 'row', 'column' :param function cfunc: the function to convert coord ``str --> int`` :param int, str coord: the "A1" coord to translate :param int up_coord: the resolved *top* or *left* margin zero-based coordinate :param int dn_coord: the resolved *bottom* or *right* margin zero-based coordinate :param int, None base_coords: the resolved basis for dependent coord, if any :return: the resolved coord or `None` if it were not a special coord. Row examples:: >>> cname = 'row' >>> r0 = _resolve_coord(cname, _row2num, '1', 1, 10) >>> r0 0 >>> r0 == _resolve_coord(cname, _row2num, 1, 1, 10) True >>> _resolve_coord(cname, _row2num, '^', 1, 10) 1 >>> _resolve_coord(cname, _row2num, '_', 1, 10) 10 >>> _resolve_coord(cname, _row2num, '.', 1, 10, 13) 13 >>> _resolve_coord(cname, _row2num, '-3', 0, 10) 8 But notice when base-cell missing:: >>> _resolve_coord(cname, _row2num, '.', 0, 10, base_coords=None) Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: Cannot resolve `relative-row` without `base-coord`! Other ROW error-checks:: >>> _resolve_coord(cname, _row2num, '0', 0, 10) Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: invalid row('0') due to: Uncooked-coord cannot be zero! >>> _resolve_coord(cname, _row2num, 'a', 0, 10) Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: invalid row('a') due to: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'a' >>> _resolve_coord(cname, _row2num, None, 0, 10) Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: invalid row(None) due to: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'NoneType' Column examples:: >>> cname = 'column' >>> _resolve_coord(cname, _col2num, 'A', 1, 10) 0 >>> _resolve_coord(cname, _col2num, 'DADA', 1, 10) 71084 >>> _resolve_coord(cname, _col2num, '.', 1, 10, 13) 13 >>> _resolve_coord(cname, _col2num, '-4', 0, 10) 7 And COLUMN error-checks:: >>> _resolve_coord(cname, _col2num, None, 0, 10) Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: invalid column(None) due to: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'NoneType' >>> _resolve_coord(cname, _col2num, 0, 0, 10) Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: invalid column(0) due to: Uncooked-coord cannot be zero! """ try: if coord in _special_coord_symbols: special_dict = { '^': up_coord, '_': dn_coord } if base_coords is not None: special_dict['.'] = base_coords rcoord = special_dict[coord] else: rcoord = cfunc(coord) # Resolve negatives as from the end. if rcoord < 0: rcoord = dn_coord + rcoord + 1 return rcoord except Exception as ex: if isinstance(ex, KeyError) and ex.args == ('.',): msg = "Cannot resolve `relative-{}` without `base-coord`!" raise ValueError(msg.format(cname)) msg = 'invalid {}({!r}) due to: {}' raise ValueError(msg.format(cname, coord, ex)) from ex
[docs]def _resolve_cell(cell, up_coords, dn_coords, base_coords=None): """ Translates any special coords to absolute ones. To get the margin_coords, use one of: * :meth:`ABCSheet.get_margin_coords()` * :func:`.io._sheets.margin_coords_from_states_matrix()` :param Cell cell: The "A1" cell to translate its coords. :param Coords up_coords: the top-left resolved coords with full-cells :param Coords dn_coords: the bottom-right resolved coords with full-cells :param Coords base_coords: A resolved cell to base dependent coords (``.``). :return: the resolved cell-coords :rtype: Coords Examples:: >>> up = Coords(1, 2) >>> dn = Coords(10, 6) >>> base = Coords(40, 50) >>> _resolve_cell(Cell(col='B', row='5'), up, dn) Coords(row=4, col=1) >>> _resolve_cell(Cell('^', '^'), up, dn) Coords(row=1, col=2) >>> _resolve_cell(Cell('_', '_'), up, dn) Coords(row=10, col=6) >>> base == _resolve_cell(Cell('.', '.'), up, dn, base) True >>> _resolve_cell(Cell('-1', '-2'), up, dn) Coords(row=10, col=5) >>> _resolve_cell(Cell('A', 'B'), up, dn) Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: invalid cell(Cell(row='A', col='B')) due to: invalid row('A') due to: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'A' But notice when base-cell missing:: >>> _resolve_cell(Cell('1', '.'), up, dn) Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: invalid cell(Cell(row='1', col='.')) due to: Cannot resolve `relative-col` without `base-coord`! """ assert not CHECK_CELLTYPE or isinstance(cell, Cell), cell assert not CHECK_CELLTYPE or isinstance(up_coords, Coords), up_coords assert not CHECK_CELLTYPE or isinstance(dn_coords, Coords), dn_coords try: if base_coords is None: base_row = base_col = None else: base_row, base_col = base_coords row = _resolve_coord('row', _row2num, cell.row, up_coords[0], dn_coords[0], base_row) col = _resolve_coord('col', _col2num, cell.col, up_coords[1], dn_coords[1], base_col) return Coords(row, col) except Exception as ex: msg = "invalid cell(%r) due to: %s\n margins(%r)\n base_coords(%r)" log.debug(msg, cell, ex, (up_coords, dn_coords), base_coords) msg = "invalid cell(%r) due to: %s" raise ValueError(msg % (cell, ex)) from ex
_mov_vector_slices = { # VECTO_SLICE REVERSE COORD_INDEX 'L': (1, -1, lambda r, c: (r, slice(None, c + 1))), 'U': (0, -1, lambda r, c: (slice(None, r + 1), c)), 'R': (1, 1, lambda r, c: (r, slice(c, None))), 'D': (0, 1, lambda r, c: (slice(r, None), c)), }
[docs]def _extract_states_vector(states_matrix, dn_coords, land, mov): """Extract a slice from the states-matrix by starting from `land` and following `mov`.""" coord_indx, is_reverse, slice_func = _mov_vector_slices[mov] vect_slice = slice_func(*land) states_vect = states_matrix[vect_slice] states_vect = states_vect[::is_reverse] return states_vect, coord_indx, is_reverse
[docs]def _target_opposite(states_matrix, dn_coords, land, moves, edge_name=''): """ Follow moves from `land` and stop on the 1st full-cell. :param np.ndarray states_matrix: A 2D-array with `False` wherever cell are blank or empty. Use :meth:`ABCSheet.get_states_matrix()` to derrive it. :param Coords dn_coords: the bottom-right for the top-left of full-cells :param Coords land: the landing-cell :param str moves: MUST not be empty :return: the identified target-cell's coordinates :rtype: Coords Examples:: >>> states_matrix = np.array([ ... [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ... [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ... [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], ... [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1], ... [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1] ... ]) >>> args = (states_matrix, Coords(4, 5)) >>> _target_opposite(*(args + (Coords(0, 0), 'DR'))) Coords(row=3, col=2) >>> _target_opposite(*(args + (Coords(0, 0), 'RD'))) Coords(row=2, col=3) It fails if a non-empty target-cell cannot be found, or it ends-up beyond bounds:: >>> _target_opposite(*(args + (Coords(0, 0), 'D'))) Traceback (most recent call last): pandalone.xleash._capture.EmptyCaptureException: No opposite-target found while moving(D) from landing-Coords(row=0, col=0)! >>> _target_opposite(*(args + (Coords(0, 0), 'UR'))) Traceback (most recent call last): pandalone.xleash._capture.EmptyCaptureException: No opposite-target found while moving(UR) from landing-Coords(row=0, col=0)! But notice that the landing-cell maybe outside of bounds:: >>> _target_opposite(*(args + (Coords(3, 10), 'L'))) Coords(row=3, col=5) """ assert not CHECK_CELLTYPE or isinstance(dn_coords, Coords), dn_coords assert not CHECK_CELLTYPE or isinstance(land, Coords), land up_coords = np.array([0, 0]) target = np.array(land) if land[0] > dn_coords[0] and 'U' in moves: target[0] = dn_coords[0] if land[1] > dn_coords[1] and 'L' in moves: target[1] = dn_coords[1] # if states_matrix[target].all(): # return Coords(*target) imoves = iter(moves) mov1 = next(imoves) mov2 = next(imoves, None) dv2 = mov2 and _primitive_dir_vectors[mov2] # Limit negative coords, since they are valid indices. while (up_coords <= target).all(): try: states_vect, coord_indx, is_reverse = _extract_states_vector( states_matrix, dn_coords, target, mov1) except IndexError: break else: if states_vect.any(): indices = states_vect.nonzero()[0] target[coord_indx] += is_reverse * indices.min() return Coords(*target) if not dv2: break target += dv2 msg = 'No opposite-target found while moving({}) from {}landing-{}!' raise EmptyCaptureException(msg.format(moves, edge_name, land))
[docs]def _target_same_vector(states_matrix, dn_coords, land, mov): """ :param np.ndarray states_matrix: A 2D-array with `False` wherever cell are blank or empty. Use :meth:`ABCSheet.get_states_matrix()` to derrive it. :param Coords dn_coords: the bottom-right for the top-left of full-cells :param Coords land: The landing-cell, which MUST be full! """ states_vect, coord_indx, is_reverse = _extract_states_vector( states_matrix, dn_coords, land, mov) if states_vect.all(): same_len = len(states_vect) - 1 else: indices = np.diff(states_vect.astype(int)).nonzero()[0] same_len = indices.min() target_coord = land[coord_indx] + is_reverse * same_len return target_coord, coord_indx
[docs]def _target_same(states_matrix, dn_coords, land, moves, edge_name=''): """ Scan term:`exterior` row and column on specified `moves` and stop on the last full-cell. :param np.ndarray states_matrix: A 2D-array with `False` wherever cell are blank or empty. Use :meth:`ABCSheet.get_states_matrix()` to derrive it. :param Coords dn_coords: the bottom-right for the top-left of full-cells :param Coords land: the landing-cell which MUST be within bounds :param moves: which MUST not be empty :return: the identified target-cell's coordinates :rtype: Coords Examples:: >>> states_matrix = np.array([ ... [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ... [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ... [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], ... [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1], ... [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1] ... ]) >>> args = (states_matrix, Coords(4, 5)) >>> _target_same(*(args + (Coords(4, 5), 'U'))) Coords(row=2, col=5) >>> _target_same(*(args + (Coords(4, 5), 'L'))) Coords(row=4, col=2) >>> _target_same(*(args + (Coords(4, 5), 'UL', ))) Coords(row=2, col=2) It fails if landing is empty or beyond bounds:: >>> _target_same(*(args + (Coords(2, 2), 'DR'))) Traceback (most recent call last): pandalone.xleash._capture.EmptyCaptureException: No same-target found while moving(DR) from landing-Coords(row=2, col=2)! >>> _target_same(*(args + (Coords(10, 3), 'U'))) Traceback (most recent call last): pandalone.xleash._capture.EmptyCaptureException: No same-target found while moving(U) from landing-Coords(row=10, col=3)! """ assert not CHECK_CELLTYPE or isinstance(dn_coords, Coords), dn_coords assert not CHECK_CELLTYPE or isinstance(land, Coords), land target = np.asarray(land) if (target <= dn_coords).all() and states_matrix[land]: for mov in moves: coord, indx = _target_same_vector(states_matrix, dn_coords, np.asarray(land), mov) target[indx] = coord return Coords(*target) msg = 'No same-target found while moving({}) from {}landing-{}!' raise EmptyCaptureException(msg.format(moves, edge_name, land))
[docs]def _sort_rect(r1, r2): """ Sorts rect-vertices in a 2D-array (with vertices in rows). Example:: >>> _sort_rect((5, 3), (4, 6)) array([[4, 3], [5, 6]]) """ rect = np.array([r1, r2], dtype=int) rect.sort(0) return rect
[docs]def _expand_rect(states_matrix, r1, r2, exp_moves): """ Applies the :term:`expansion-moves` based on the `states_matrix`. :param state: :param Coords r1: any vertice of the rect to expand :param Coords r2: any vertice of the rect to expand :param np.ndarray states_matrix: A 2D-array with `False` wherever cell are blank or empty. Use :meth:`ABCSheet.get_states_matrix()` to derrive it. :param exp_moves: Just the parsed string, and not `None`. :return: a sorted rect top-left/bottom-right Examples:: >>> states_matrix = np.array([ ... #0 1 2 3 4 5 ... [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], #0 ... [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0], #1 ... [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], #2 ... [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], #3 ... [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], #4 ... ], dtype=bool) >>> r1, r2 = (Coords(2, 1), Coords(2, 1)) >>> _expand_rect(states_matrix, r1, r2, 'U') (Coords(row=2, col=1), Coords(row=2, col=1)) >>> r1, r2 = (Coords(3, 1), Coords(2, 1)) >>> _expand_rect(states_matrix, r1, r2, 'R') (Coords(row=2, col=1), Coords(row=3, col=4)) >>> r1, r2 = (Coords(2, 1), Coords(6, 1)) >>> _expand_rect(states_matrix, r1, r2, 'r') (Coords(row=2, col=1), Coords(row=6, col=5)) >>> r1, r2 = (Coords(2, 3), Coords(2, 3)) >>> _expand_rect(states_matrix, r1, r2, 'LURD') (Coords(row=1, col=1), Coords(row=3, col=4)) """ assert not CHECK_CELLTYPE or isinstance(r1, Coords), r1 assert not CHECK_CELLTYPE or isinstance(r2, Coords), r2 exp_moves = _parse.parse_expansion_moves(exp_moves) nd_offsets = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1]) coord_offsets = { 'L': np.array([0, 0, -1, 0]), 'R': np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]), 'U': np.array([-1, 0, 0, 0]), 'D': np.array([0, 1, 0, 0]), } coord_indices = { 'L': [0, 1, 2, 2], 'R': [0, 1, 3, 3], 'U': [0, 0, 2, 3], 'D': [1, 1, 2, 3], } # Sort rect's vertices top-left/bottom-right. # rect = _sort_rect(r1, r2) # ``[r1, r2, c1, c2]`` to use slices, below rect = rect.T.flatten() for dirs_repeated in exp_moves: for dirs in dirs_repeated: orig_rect = rect for d in dirs: exp_rect = rect + coord_offsets[d] exp_vect_i = exp_rect[coord_indices[d]] + nd_offsets exp_vect_v = states_matrix[slice(*exp_vect_i[:2]), slice(*exp_vect_i[2:])] if exp_vect_v.any(): rect = exp_rect if (rect == orig_rect).all(): break return Coords(*rect[[0, 2]]), Coords(*rect[[1, 3]])
[docs]def resolve_capture_rect(states_matrix, up_dn_margins, st_edge, nd_edge=None, exp_moves=None, base_coords=None): """ Performs :term:`targeting`, :term:`capturing` and :term:`expansions` based on the :term:`states-matrix`. To get the margin_coords, use one of: * :meth:`ABCSheet.get_margin_coords()` * :func:`.io._sheets.margin_coords_from_states_matrix()` Its results can be fed into :func:`read_capture_values()`. :param np.ndarray states_matrix: A 2D-array with `False` wherever cell are blank or empty. Use :meth:`ABCSheet.get_states_matrix()` to derrive it. :param (Coords, Coords) up_dn_margins: the top-left/bottom-right coords with full-cells :param Edge st_edge: "uncooked" as matched by regex :param Edge nd_edge: "uncooked" as matched by regex :param list or none exp_moves: Just the parsed string, and not `None`. :param Coords base_coords: The base for a :term:`dependent` :term:`1st` edge. :return: a ``(Coords, Coords)`` with the 1st and 2nd :term:`capture-cell` ordered from top-left --> bottom-right. :rtype: tuple :raises EmptyCaptureException: When :term:`targeting` failed, and no :term:`target` cell identified. Examples:: >>> from pandalone.xleash import Edge, margin_coords_from_states_matrix >>> states_matrix = np.array([ ... [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ... [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ... [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], ... [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1], ... [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1] ... ], dtype=bool) >>> up, dn = margin_coords_from_states_matrix(states_matrix) >>> st_edge = Edge(Cell('1', 'A'), 'DR') >>> nd_edge = Edge(Cell('.', '.'), 'DR') >>> resolve_capture_rect(states_matrix, (up, dn), st_edge, nd_edge) (Coords(row=3, col=2), Coords(row=4, col=2)) Using dependenent coordinates for the 2nd edge:: >>> st_edge = Edge(Cell('_', '_'), None) >>> nd_edge = Edge(Cell('.', '.'), 'UL') >>> rect = resolve_capture_rect(states_matrix, (up, dn), st_edge, nd_edge) >>> rect (Coords(row=2, col=2), Coords(row=4, col=5)) Using sheet's margins:: >>> st_edge = Edge(Cell('^', '_'), None) >>> nd_edge = Edge(Cell('_', '^'), None) >>> rect == resolve_capture_rect(states_matrix, (up, dn), st_edge, nd_edge) True Walking backwards:: >>> st_edge = Edge(Cell('^', '_'), 'L') # Landing is full, so 'L' ignored. >>> nd_edge = Edge(Cell('_', '_'), 'L', '+') # '+' or would also stop. >>> rect == resolve_capture_rect(states_matrix, (up, dn), st_edge, nd_edge) True """ up_margin, dn_margin = up_dn_margins assert not CHECK_CELLTYPE or isinstance(up_margin, Coords), up_margin assert not CHECK_CELLTYPE or isinstance(dn_margin, Coords), dn_margin st = _resolve_cell(, up_margin, dn_margin, base_coords) try: st_state = states_matrix[st] except IndexError: st_state = False if is not None: if st_state: if st_edge.mod == '+': st = _target_same(states_matrix, dn_margin, st,, '1st-') else: st = _target_opposite(states_matrix, dn_margin, st,, '1st-') if nd_edge is None: nd = None else: nd = _resolve_cell(, up_margin, dn_margin, st) if is not None: try: nd_state = states_matrix[nd] except IndexError: nd_state = False mov = if nd_state: if (nd_edge.mod == '+' or == Cell('.', '.') and nd_edge.mod != '?'): nd = _target_same( states_matrix, dn_margin, nd, mov, '2nd-') else: nd = _target_opposite( states_matrix, dn_margin, nd, mov, '2nd-') if exp_moves: st, nd = _expand_rect(states_matrix, st, nd or st, exp_moves) else: if nd is not None: rect = _sort_rect(st, nd) st, nd = tuple(Coords(*c) for c in rect) return st, nd