Source code for pandalone.components

#! python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 European Commission (JRC);
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
Defines the building-blocks of a "model":

components and assemblies:
    See :class:`Component`, :class:`FuncComponent` and :class:`Assembly`.

paths and path-mappings (pmods):
    See :class:`Pmod`, :func:`pmods_from_tuples` and :class:`Pstep`.


1. Assembly use ComponentLoader collecting components with:

   - `gatattr()` and
   - `filter_predicate` default to ``attr.__name__.startswith('cfunc_')``.
   - enforce a `disable` flag on them.

2. Component/assembly should have a stackable or common cwd?

3. Components should be easy to run without "framework".
   - `_build()` --> `run()`
   - pmods on init OR `run()`?
   - As ContextManager?

4. Imply a default Assembly.

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import logging
from pandalone.mappings import Pstep

    from unittest.mock import MagicMock
except ImportError:
    from mock import MagicMock  # @UnusedImport

__commit__ = ""

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

name_uniqueizer = None  # TODO: Handle clashes on component-names.

[docs]class Component(object): """ Encapsulates a function and its its inputs/outputs dependencies. It should be callable, and when executed it may read/modify the data-tree given as its 1st input. An opportunity to fix the internal-state (i.e. inputs/output/name) is when the :meth:`_build()` is invoked. :ivar list _name: identifier :ivar list _inp: list/of/paths required on the data-tree (must not overlap with `out`) :ivar list _out: list/of/paths modified on the data-tree (must not overlap with `inp`) Mostly defined through *cfuncs*, which provide for defining a component with a single function with a special signature, see :class:`FuncComponent`. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] def __init__(self, name): if name_uniqueizer: name = name_uniqueizer(name) self._name = name self._inp = None self._out = None
[docs] @abstractmethod def __call__(self, *agrs, **kws): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def _build(self, pmod=None): """Invoked once before run-time and should apply `pmaps` when given.""" pass
[docs] def _iter_validations(self): """ Yields a msg for each failed validation rule. Invoke it after :meth:`_build()` component. """ # TODO: Implement Component's validation. if False: yield
# expected_attrs = ['name', 'inp', 'out'] # for attr in expected_attrs: # if not hasattr(self, attr): # yield "`%s` is unset!" % attr
[docs]class FuncComponent(Component): """ Converts a "cfunc" into a component. A cfunc is a function that modifies the values-tree with this signature:: cfunc_XXXX(comp, vtree) where: comp: the :class:`FuncComponent` associated with the cfunc vtree: the part of the data-tree involving the values to be modified by the cfunc It works also as a utility to developers of a cfuncs, since it is passed as their 1st arg. The cfuncs may use :meth:`pinp` and :meth:`pout` when accessing its input and output data-tree values respectively. Note that accessing any of those attributes from outside of cfunc, would result in an error. If a cfunc access additional values with "fixed' paths, then it has to manually add those paths into the :attr:`_inp` and :attr:`_out` lists. Example: This would be a fully "relocatable" cfunc:: >>> def cfunc_calc_foobar_rate(comp, value_tree): ... pi = comp.pinp() ... po = comp.pout() ... ... df = value_tree.get(pi) ... ... df[po.Acc] = df[pi.V] / df[pi.T] To get the unmodified component-paths, use:: >>> comp = FuncComponent(cfunc_calc_foobar_rate) >>> comp._build() >>> assert list(comp._iter_validations()) == [] >>> sorted(comp._inp + comp._out) ['calc_foobar_rate/Acc', 'calc_foobar_rate/T', 'calc_foobar_rate/V'] To get the path-modified component-paths, use:: >>> from pandalone.mappings import pmods_from_tuples >>> pmods = pmods_from_tuples([ ... ('~.*', '/A/B'), ... ]) >>> comp._build(pmods) >>> sorted(comp.pinp()._paths()) ['/A/B/T', '/A/B/V'] >>> comp.pout()._paths() ['/A/B/Acc'] >>> sorted(comp._inp + comp._out) ['/A/B/Acc', '/A/B/T', '/A/B/V'] >>> comp._build(pmods) >>> sorted(comp._inp + comp._out) ['/A/B/Acc', '/A/B/T', '/A/B/V'] """
[docs] def __init__(self, cfunc, name=None): self._cfunc = cfunc if name is None: name = cfunc.__name__ prefix = 'cfunc_' if name.startswith(prefix): name = name[len(prefix):] Component.__init__(self, name=name)
# The following are initialized in _build(): # self._inp = None # self._out = None # self._pmod = None # self._pinp = None # self._pout = None
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kws): self._cfunc(self, *args, **kws)
def _fetch_all_paths(self, pstep): return pstep._paths() if pstep else []
[docs] def pinp(self, path=None): """The suggested :class:`Pstep` for cfunc to use to access inputs.""" p = self._pinp if p is None: self._pinp = p = Pstep(path or self._name, _proto_or_pmod=self._pmod) return p
[docs] def pout(self, path=None): """The suggested :class:`Pstep` for cfunc to use to access outputs.""" p = self._pout if p is None: self._pout = p = Pstep(path or self._name, _proto_or_pmod=self._pmod) return p
[docs] def _build(self, pmod=None): """Extracts inputs/outputs from cfunc. """ vtree = MagicMock() self._inp = [] self._out = [] self._pinp = None self._pout = None self._pmod = pmod self._cfunc(self, vtree) self._inp.extend(self._fetch_all_paths(self._pinp)) self._out.extend(self._fetch_all_paths(self._pout))
[docs]class Assembly(Component): # TODO: Assembly inherit Component """ Example: >>> def cfunc_f1(comp, value_tree): ... comp.pinp().A ... comp.pout().B >>> def cfunc_f2(comp, value_tree): ... comp.pinp().B ... comp.pout().C >>> ass = Assembly(FuncComponent(cfunc) for cfunc in [cfunc_f1, cfunc_f2]) >>> ass._build() >>> assert list(ass._iter_validations()) == [] >>> ass._inp ['f1/A', 'f2/B'] >>> ass._out ['f1/B', 'f2/C'] >>> from pandalone.mappings import pmods_from_tuples >>> pmod = pmods_from_tuples([ ... ('~.*', '/root'), ... ]) >>> ass._build(pmod) >>> sorted(ass._inp + ass._out) ['/root/A', '/root/B', '/root/B', '/root/C'] """
[docs] def __init__(self, components, name=None): Component.__init__(self, name=name or 'assembly') self._comps = list(components)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kws): pass # TODO: Invoke Dispatcher with Assembly's child-components.
[docs] def _build(self, pmod=None): inp = set() out = set() for c in self._comps: c._build(pmod) inp.update(c._inp) out.update(c._out) self._inp = sorted(inp) self._out = sorted(out)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError