3. Usage

Currently 2 portions of this library are ready for use: pandalone.xleash and pandalone.mappings

3.1. Cmd-line usage


Not implemented in yet.

The command-line usage below requires the Python environment to be installed, and provides for executing an experiment directly from the OS’s shell (i.e. cmd in windows or bash in POSIX), and in a single command.


3.2. GUI usage


Desktop UI requires Python 3!

For a quick-‘n-dirty method to explore the structure of the data-tree and run an experiment, just run:

$ pandalone gui

3.3. Excel usage


Excel-integration requires Python-3 and Windows or OS X!

In Windows and OS X you may utilize the excellent xlwings library to use Excel files for providing input and output to the experiment.

To create the necessary template-files in your current-directory you should enter:

$ pandalone excel

You could type instead pandalone excel file_path to specify a different destination path.


3.4. Python usage

Example python REPL example-commands are given below that setup and run an experiment.

First run python or ipython and try to import the project to check its version:

>>> import pandalone

>>> pandalone.__version__           ## Check version once more.

>>> pandalone.__file__              ## To check where it was installed.         

If everything works, create the data-tree to hold the input-data (strings and numbers). You assemble data-tree by the use of:


3.5. Discussion