2. Usage

Currently 2 portions of this library are ready for use: pandalone.xleash and pandalone.mappings

2.1. GUI usage


Desktop UI requires Python 3!

For a quick-‘n-dirty method to explore the structure of the data-tree and run an experiment, just run:

$ pandalone gui

2.2. Excel usage


Excel-integration requires Python-3 and Windows or OS X!

In Windows and OS X you may utilize the excellent xlwings library to use Excel files for providing input and output to the experiment.

To create the necessary template-files in your current-directory you should enter:

$ pandalone excel

You could type instead pandalone excel file_path to specify a different destination path.


2.3. Python usage

Example python REPL example-commands are given below that setup and run an experiment.

First run python or ipython and try to import the project to check its version:

>>> import pandalone

>>> pandalone.__version__           ## Check version once more.

>>> pandalone.__file__              ## To check where it was installed.         

If everything works, create the data-tree to hold the input-data (strings and numbers). You assemble data-tree by the use of:


2.4. Discussion